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High-Throughput and Rapid Melting Curve Analysis by Yan-Long Hou, Chong-Ge You

Background: High-resolution melting curve analysis has been widely applied as one of the mainstream technologies used for scanning and detecting genetic mutations. After having realized the integration of PCR amplification and HRM detection on the same instrument, researchers have begun to focus on the throughput and speed of PCR-HRM detection.
Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted with the use of PubMed and ScienceDirect for articles on high resolution melting curve and microfluidic technologies. The focus is on the manufacture and application of microfluidic devices in medical diagnostic. A further review of the references identified from these articles was also performed.
Results: Based on the characteristics of microfluidic integration and rapid detection of microfluidic technology, a new high-throughput PCR-HRM genotyping and scanning detection mode combining microfluidic technology has not only achieved closed Tube high-throughput rapid detection, but also meets the needs of portability and lowcost.
Conclusions: The new PCR-HRM detection platform based on the microfluidic technology can achieve high throughput and high speed.

DOI: 10.7754/Clin.Lab.2018.180318